Share your app with the world for less

Translate existing apps into multiple languages effortlessly and save big on development costs by installing this SDK.

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Localizing an app has never been easier

Reduce development and translation costs as you lead your app to worldwide success.


Instantly localize an app just by installing this SDK

An app can be localized by simply installing a SDK (Software Development Kit) library and writing instructions to call it up for every page you want translated.


Manage websites and apps all on one intuitive interface

Just translate and publish on the WOVN dashboard the same way you would with a website. You can of course reuse your existing glossary from as well.


Intuitive use combined with automatic translation make for optimal operation

It is not easy to acquire, translate, and publish content that is updated constantly. With, choose between automatic and manual translation for the optimal operation plan based on your translation needs and content type.


Main Functions of

  • Image translation

    Image translation in bitmap format (png, jpg) or vector format (svg).

  • Dynamic content

    Automatically acquire and translate dynamically changing content just like

  • Detect SDK errors

    Get error reports to improve the quality of the SDK.

  • Translation callback

    You can perform this optional process anytime after the translation is complete.


Supported operating systems and development languages

Why stop at your website? Localize your apps and internationalize your business.

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