Web サイト・アプリを全自動で多言語化
だれもが世界中の情報を、母国語で読めたなら。できたらいいなと夢見た未来が、もうすぐそこに。Web サイトやアプリを、さまざまな言語に翻訳し、あっという間にグローバル化する多言語化ソリューションWOVN.io。
Make your website multilingual in just a few simple steps
Expand your reach, in any language.
Speak to your potential clients in a language they understand
Internet users browse and buy in their language. To get your business noticed, start by making your website available in your audience’s language. Website localization projects are not a costly and development-heavy project anymore — you can manage them all from one dashboard.
Easy set-up
Compatible with any type of website.Get started easily and include your team in the project. If you need help with translations, we will connect you with the translators best suited for your needs.
Cost and time
Less time and cost to get your website localized.Eliminate website development from your localization project and allocate those resources to other projects.
Low maintenance
All your content in one place.WOVN.io will automatically add changes on your website to your project, you can make in-context edits and check the result before publishing.
STEP. 1 Create a project
Create a project by adding your website's URL. WOVN will automatically retrieve all of the existing content for you to start.
STEP. 2 Translate your content
Translate all of your pages from your WOVN dashboard. You can optimize your translations by combining multiple translation methods.
STEP. 3 And publish!
Check that all pages look like them have to and publish them. Your website is now localized.

18,000 companies and growing
Time required
5 min.
Read what some of our users are saying
Over 18,000 businesses around the world have chosen WOVN.io
More case studiesWhen do you want to start localizing?
Let us know how we can help you.
(土日祝を除く平日10:00 - 18:00日本標準時)